
Evidence-based Practice (Masters level)

New Progress in Psychotherapy Research (Masters level)

SHE Zhuang
Associate Professor
Areas of research and teaching:Routine outcome monitoring, client preferences, outcome assessment, counseling process and outcomes, evidence-based practice, culture and mental health.

Ph.D. 2023 (Counseling Psychology), East China Normal University/McGill University;

M.A. 2013 (Counseling Psychology), Central China Normal University;

B.A. 2012 (Applied Psychology), Yangtze University.

Evidence-based Practice (Masters level)

New Progress in Psychotherapy Research (Masters level)


Publications (In Chinese Peer Review Journals) (# denotes student co-author)

She, Z., Jiang, G. R., Sun, Q. W. & Shi, Y. W. (2018). Formal feedback in psychotherapy. Advances in Psychological Science25(7), 1197–1207.

She, Z. Duncan, B. L.& Xi, J. Z. (2022). The Partners for Change Outcome Management System and Its Clinical Application. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psycholog. 30(4), 272–275.

She, Z., Xi, J. Z., Shi, Y. W. & Jiang, G. R. (2021). The development of formal feedback and its clinical application. Journal of Psychological Science, 44(1), 223–229.

She, Z., Sun, Q. W., & Jiang, G. R. (2017). Reliability and validity of Chinese version of Outcome rating scale. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 25(2), 272–275.

Publications (In English Peer Review Journals) (* denotes corresponding author; # # denotes student co-author)

She, Z., Xu, H., Cormier, G., Drapeau, M., & Duncan, B. L. (2024). Culture matters: Chinese mental health professionals’ fear of losing face in routine outcome monitoring. Psychotherapy Research. 34(3), 311−322. https://doi.org/10.1080/10503307.2023.2240949 (Society for Psychotherapy Researchhttps://www.psychotherapyresearch.org/page/pr_summaries)

She, Z., Xi, J., Cooper, M., Norcross, J. C., & Di Malta, G. (2023). Validation of the Cooper–Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) in Chinese lay clients and mental health professionals: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and scale differences. Journal of Counseling Psychology70(4), 436–447. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000661

She, Z., Řiháček, T., Xu, J., Yang, W., Xu, D., Zhou, N., ... & Xi, J. (2023). Psychometric Evaluation of the Cooper–Norcross Inventory of Preferences–Therapist Version. Assessment30(5), 1651–1661. https://doi.org/10.1177/10731911221118317

She, Z., Shi, Y., Duncan, B. L., Xie, D., Xi, J., Sun, Q., & Ji, W. (2023). Psychometric properties and longitudinal invariance of the session rating scale in Chinese clinical samples. Current Psychology. 42, 3650–3657. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01721-8

She, Z., Ng, K. M., Hou, X., & Xi, J. (2022). COVID‐19 threat and xenophobia: A moderated mediation model of empathic responding and negative emotions. Journal of Social Issues78(1), 209–226. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12500

She, Z., Zhou, N., Li, D., Ren, S., Ji, W., & Xi, J. (2022). Does COVID-19 threat increase xenophobia? The roles of protection efficacy and support seeking. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12912-8

She, Z., Duncan, B. L., Reese, R. J., Sun, Q., Shi, Y., Jiang, G., Wu, C., & Clements, A. L. (2018). Client feedback in China: A randomized clinical trial in a college counseling center. Journal of Counseling Psychology65(6), 727–737. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000300
