李爱红,于2023年7月入职必威·BETWAY社会学系,任助理研究员一职。她的主要研究兴趣领域为人口流动与移民;性别、家庭与就业;数字经济与创业、金融化、金融排斥与包容;她同时擅长定量的社会统计及问卷调查、质性的田野调查和访谈等的研究方法。她的科研成果发表在Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Ageing& Society, Frontiers in Public Health等SSCI期刊上。
Li, A. (2023). Stratified financial inclusion in China based on hukou and its interaction with city and province development, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2191155.
Li, A. (2022). The effects of Migration and Migration duration on the emotional health of rural elderly parents in China. Ageing& Society,1-24. doi:10.1017/S0144686X2200054X.
Yao, Y., Zhang, S., & Li, A. (2021). Effects of Educational Attainment and Housing Condition on Self-Rated Health in Old Age: Heterogeneity and Tendency in China. Frontiers in Public Health, 9.
张顺, 李爱红. 2016. 高能低就规避:社会网络收入的中介机制研究[J]西安交通大学学报(社科版)](6):53-59.DOI: 10.15896 /j. xjtuskxb. 201606009