

Ph.D. 2019 (Urban Studies), The London School of Economics and Political Science;

M.A. 2014 (Sociology), Peking University;

B.A. 2011 (Sociology), Peking University.

Assistant Research Fellow
Areas of research and teaching:urban sociology, urban governance, social theory on space

Ph.D. 2019 (Urban Studies), The London School of Economics and Political Science;

M.A. 2014 (Sociology), Peking University;

B.A. 2011 (Sociology), Peking University.


Introduction to Urban Sociology and Urban Studies (Undergraduate level)

Urban Development in East Asia (Postgraduate level)

Publications (In Chinese Peer Review Journals) (# denotes student co-author)

Jin, Yi (2013) “The Social Psychological Adaption of Migrant People in the Perspective of Acculturation: A Review on Multi-models and an Overview of China’s Experience.” Youth Studies (CSSCI), (03), 75-85.


Publications (In English Peer Review Journals) (* denotes corresponding author; # # denotes student co-author)

Jin, Yi (forthcoming) “Contingent attachment: Long-term living experience and neighbourhood attachment in the redevelopment of a Third Front community.” The China Quarterly (SSCI Q1).

Jin, Yi (2024) “Contextualising the right to the city in China.” Journal of Sinology and Chinese Language Education, (01): 1-16.

Jin, Yi (2023) “Informalising Formality: the construction of penghuqu in an urban redevelopment project in China.” Housing Studies (SSCI Q2), 38(3): 463-483. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1888888.

Jin, Yi (2022) “Urban verticality shaped by vertical terrain: Lessons from Chongqing, China.” Urban Planning (ESCI Q2), 7(4): 364-376. DOI: 10.17645/up.v7i4.5810.

Jin, Yi and Zhao, Yimin (2022) “The informal constitution of state centrality: Governing street businesses in (post-)pandemic Chengdu, China.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (SSCI Q1). 46(4): 631-650. DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.13124.
