Areas of research and teaching:Social Work and Social Policy; Deviant Behaviors; Health and Mental Health

Ph.D. 2011 (Social Work), University of Hong Kong;

M.A. 2007 (Sociology), Nanjing University;

B.A. 2001 (Sociology), Nanjing University.


Social Welfare Theories (Undergraduate level)

Introduction to Criminology (Masters level)

Social Work Writing (Masters level)

Health, Environment and Society (Masters level)


1. Liu, L. (2023). Governance strategies for Drug Problems: Theories and Practices. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.

2. Liu, L. (2015). Female Offenders’ Prison Adjustment and Re-socialization. Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing.


Publications (In Chinese Peer Review Journals) (# denotes student co-author)

1. Liu, L., Chen, Y., & Zhang, L. (2018). Thirty years of quantitative studies: Taking papers published in Sociology Studies as examples. The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute, 2, 75-84.

2. Liu, L. (2015). Preventing crimes committed by social vulnerable women: Social policy analysis based on welfare triangle theory. Chinese Public Administration, 11, 105-109.

3. Liu, L. (2015). “Guanxi” in prison: Interpersonal relationship between female prisoners and prison guards. Youth Studies, 2, 38-47. Reprinted by Renmin University’s periodical literatures “Women Studies” (2015-4).


Publications (In English Peer Review Journals) (* denotes corresponding author; # # denotes student co-author)

1. Liu, L.*, Wang, X., & Li, X. (in press). Conventional and electronic cigarettes consumption among young Chinese adults: A perspective on masculinity and gender system. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. (on-line published in June 2023)

2. Liu, L.*, Chui, W. H., & Deng, Y. (2021). Driving after alcohol consumption: A qualitative analysis among Chinese male drunk drivers. International Journal of Drug Policy, 90, 103058.

3. Liu, L.*, Chui, W. H., Deng, Y., & Li, H. (2020). Dealing with resistance: Working with involuntary clients in community-based drug treatment programmes in China. Australian Social Work, 73(3), 309-320.
