Tian Rong. 2019. “Light Asset Operation: The Path and Reflection of the Social Enterprise Transformation of Nonprofit organizations”. Fujian Tribune (The Humanities & Social SciencesMonthly). (10):51-58.
Tian Rong & Zhou Xiaohong. 2019. “Managerialism VS Professionalism: Analysis on the Governance of Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE)”.282(1):73-79.
Tian Rong & Wang Lili. 2018. “Case Studies on Chinese Government-led Community Foundations from the Perspective of Supply-demand Theory”. Chinese Public Administration. 402(12):53-58.
Tian Rong & Zhou Xiaohong. 2019. “Social assistance services: The EU Experience and China's Choice”.Study&Exploration. 280(11):43-50.
Tian Rong. 2017. “From ‘Quasi-matchmaker’ Towards ‘Community Leadership’: Reflections on the localization of triangle functions of community foundations”. Hebei Academic Journal.37(1):155-159.
Tian Rong.2016. “Beyond and Sharing: New Frontiers and Future Prospects of the Research on Social Enterprises”.Nanjing Social Science Journal. Vol.12:53-64.
Tian Rong .2016. Models and Strategies: Nonprofit Organizations transforming towards Social Enterprise.Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Version). 31(4):104-113.
Tian Rong .2013. The Transformation of Social Welfare NGOs in the Era of New Public Management in Hong Kong. Society.33(1):195-224.
Publications (In English Peer Review Journals) (* denotes corresponding author; # # denotes student co-author)
Tian Rong & Chui,.C*. (2018). Emergent Models of Social Enterprises in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Social Development.