Ph.D. of Laws (Economic Sociology), 2000, Nanjing University

Master of Laws (Applied Sociology), 1997, Nanjing University

Bachelor of Laws (Sociology), 1994, Nanjing University


Associate Professor
Areas of research and teaching:Social Work Practice and Research, Social Policy Research, Community Work and Community Development, Child and Adolescent Welfare, Welfare Sociology, Applied Sociology

Ph.D. of Laws (Economic Sociology), 2000, Nanjing University

Master of Laws (Applied Sociology), 1997, Nanjing University

Bachelor of Laws (Sociology), 1994, Nanjing University



Undergraduate Level:

Group Work; Growth Group (Basic Level);Growth Group (Advanced Level); School and Adolescent Social Work; Life's Mystery (Joint Courses)

Masters Level

Seminar on Social Welfare; Advanced Social Work Practice IISocial Work Ethics (Joint Courses); Interpreting Life and Self (Joint Courses)

Publications (In Chinese Peer Review Journals) (# denotes student co-author)

Xiao, Ping. 2022. Group Social Work (2nd Edition). Social Science Academic Press.

Xiao, Ping (Ed.). 2008. Introduction to Sociology. Tianjin University Press.

Xiao, Ping. 2002. Employment Capital in China’s Labor Market. Jiangxi Science and Technology Press.

Xiao, Ping. 2019. “Social Work Practice Research on Female Employment Assistance: Based on Monitoring and Evaluation of 13 Projects.” Social Work and Management (2): 19-28.

Xiao, Ping. 2019. “The Development of Social Work for the Elderly in China in the Dimension of Policy Analysis.” Social Policy Review 3(1): 42-55.

Xiao, Ping. 2012. “A Study of Welfare System for Urban Disabled People from Perspective of Welfare Need.” Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) 27(6): 75-82.

Xiao, Ping. 2010. “Social Work Practice Research of Yangfan Growth Group.” Journal of Social Work (Second Half of the Month) (9): 9-12.

Xiao, Ping. 2009. “Welfare Promotion for the Urban Disabled Residents from the Perspective of Social Work.” Academia Bimestris (6): 86-89.

Xiao, Ping. 2006. “Exploring the Indigeneity of Social Work Field Education Model: Introduction of the Concept of Resources.” Social Sciences in Nanjing (3): 103-109.


Publications (In Japanese Peer Review Journals) (* denotes corresponding author; # # denotes student co-author)

Xiao, Ping. 2022. “Case Study on Innovative Practice of Big Data Governance in Chinese Urban Communities.” China 21 (Organized by Modern China Society, Aichi University, Japan) 57(2): 138-160.
