

Publications (in English and German) (# denotes student co-author)

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2012.   Soziale Geschwindigkeit: Ein theoretischer Grundriss und eine zeitpolitische Fragestellung. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2023. “On the quadrants of the thing-world relations: a critical revision of Hartmut Rosa’s resonance theory in terms of thing-world”, The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 9(2): 33-51.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu and Huang, Xinye#. 2021. “Die Max-Weber-Rezeption in der chinesischen Soziologie. Historisch-gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund, Übersetzungen und Forschungsansätze”. In: Andrea Maurer (Ed.). Mit Leidenschaft und Augenmaß: Zur Aktualität von Max Weber. Campus, Frankfurt am Main/New York, pp. 229-259.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yuand Zhang, Shuwen#. 2021. Critical review: Hartmut Rosa’s Resonance: A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World, International Sociology, 36(5): 757-761.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2017. “The Ecology of Social Time: An Outline of an Empirical Analytic Framework of the Sociology of Time”, Time & Society, 26(2), 137-164.

 Publications (In Chinese) (# denotes student co-author)

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2018. Social time: Genesis, Changes, and Problems. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2023. “The Basic Categories of Object-Human Relations: A Synthesis of the Sociological Theories of New Materialism.” Sociological Studies, 2: 72-92.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2023. “Our Algorithmic-animist World: Rethinking the Instrumental Reason in the Contemporary Society.” Academic Monthly, 55(12): 99-111.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2022.   “The Systematic Composition of Time: The Concept of Time in Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems.” Sociological Studies, 2: 69-91.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2021. “The Localization of Sociology in Germany: The “Role-Debate” and Its Effect on De-Americanization.” Academic Monthly, 53(5): 120-133.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu and Hu, Shan#. 2018. “Institutionalization of the Life Course: Paradigm and Methods of the Continental Life Course Research”, Sociological Studies, 2: 214-241.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2015. “Sociologization of Freedom in Georg Simmel’s Social Theory.” Sociological Studies, 3: 97-122.

Areas of research and teaching:Social Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Time

Ph.D. 2012 (Sociology), Free University of Berlin;

M.A. 2006 (Journalism), Shih-Hsin University;

B.A. 2003 (German Language and Culture), Fu-Jen University.



Social Theory: Selected Readings (Masters level)

Contemporary Social Theories (Undergraduate level)

History of the German Sociology (Undergraduate level)



Publications (in English and German) (# denotes student co-author)

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2012.   Soziale Geschwindigkeit: Ein theoretischer Grundriss und eine zeitpolitische Fragestellung. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2023. “On the quadrants of the thing-world relations: a critical revision of Hartmut Rosa’s resonance theory in terms of thing-world”, The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 9(2): 33-51.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu and Huang, Xinye#. 2021. “Die Max-Weber-Rezeption in der chinesischen Soziologie. Historisch-gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund, Übersetzungen und Forschungsansätze”. In: Andrea Maurer (Ed.). Mit Leidenschaft und Augenmaß: Zur Aktualität von Max Weber. Campus, Frankfurt am Main/New York, pp. 229-259.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yuand Zhang, Shuwen#. 2021. Critical review: Hartmut Rosa’s Resonance: A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World, International Sociology, 36(5): 757-761.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2017. “The Ecology of Social Time: An Outline of an Empirical Analytic Framework of the Sociology of Time”, Time & Society, 26(2), 137-164.

 Publications (In Chinese) (# denotes student co-author)

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2018. Social time: Genesis, Changes, and Problems. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2023. “The Basic Categories of Object-Human Relations: A Synthesis of the Sociological Theories of New Materialism.” Sociological Studies, 2: 72-92.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2023. “Our Algorithmic-animist World: Rethinking the Instrumental Reason in the Contemporary Society.” Academic Monthly, 55(12): 99-111.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2022.   “The Systematic Composition of Time: The Concept of Time in Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems.” Sociological Studies, 2: 69-91.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2021. “The Localization of Sociology in Germany: The “Role-Debate” and Its Effect on De-Americanization.” Academic Monthly, 53(5): 120-133.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu and Hu, Shan#. 2018. “Institutionalization of the Life Course: Paradigm and Methods of the Continental Life Course Research”, Sociological Studies, 2: 214-241.

Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2015. “Sociologization of Freedom in Georg Simmel’s Social Theory.” Sociological Studies, 3: 97-122.
