He, G, & Ge, T. (2024). Local Language Proficiency, School Segregation and School Adaptation of Migrant Children in Urban China. Chinese Sociological Review, Advance Online Publication. (SSCI/Q1, 通讯作者)
Wang, L., Ge, T., & Gao, X. (2024). Unveiling the protective role of school engagement: Mitigating cyberbullying perpetration through mastery and student-student relationship. Children and Youth Services Review, Advance Online Publication. (SSCI/Q1, 通讯作者)
Ge, T., & He, G. (2023). A decade of insecurity paradox in contemporary China, 2008–2017. Chinese Sociological Review, 55(2), 154-180. (SSCI/Q1)
He, G., He, L., Zhang, B., Ge, T., & Chen, Y. (2022). The greener, the happier? The effects of greenspace on residents' happiness in contemporary urban China. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(7), 2808-2828. (SSCI/Q2, 通讯作者)
Wang, L., & Ge, T. (2021). Does victimization predict cyberbullying perpetration? Examining depression as a mediator and self-control as a moderator. Personality and Individual Differences, 183, 111135. (SSCI/Q2, 通讯作者)
Ge, T., & Ngai, S. S. Y. (2020). Three pathways to promote poverty resilience: The effects of poverty on children’s educational and behavioral performance under multisystems in China. Children and Youth Services Review, 113, 104962. (SSCI/Q1)
Ge, T. (2020). Effect of socioeconomic status on children’s psychological well-being in China: The mediating role of family social capital. Journal of Health Psychology, 25(8), 1118-1127. (SSCI/Q2)
Ge, T., & Wang, L. (2019). Multidimensional child poverty, social relationships and academic achievement of children in poor rural areas of China. Children and Youth Services Review, 103, 209-217. (SSCI/Q1)
Wu, Q., Ge, T., ... & Wouldes, T. A. (2018). Acculturation, resilience, and the mental health of migrant youth: A cross-country comparative study. Public Health, 162, 63-70. (SSCI/Q1)