
Zhang, Y. & Hu, P. (2024). The mediating role of virtual capital in the relationship between virtual self-presentation and youth developmental outcomes in China. (Under Review, SSCI)

Zhang, Y. (2024). Parental Control, Mobile Phone Conversations, and Ego Strengths of Boarding School Students in China. (Under Review, SSCI)

Zhang, Y., & To, S. M. (2022). Perceived Mutual Parent–Child Trust, Mobile Phone Conversations, and Development Outcomes of Boarding School Students in China. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-13.

“The Integration of Art Therapy and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) for Treating Depression Among Children and Adolescents”, Invited conference paper published in the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development; 2016-06-30.  

论残疾人就业保障制度的完善”, 读者报, CN51-0045; 2011-11-21.

“试论大学生实习期间合法权利的保护“, 法律与经济, ISSN1005-0183; 2012-01.


张译引,四川绵阳人,获香港中文大学社会福利哲学博士学位。自2023年起,任必威·BETWAY社会工作与社会政策系助理研究员,研究领域包括青少年儿童社会心理发展、虚拟世界心理健康、微观社会工作实务及临床社工心理咨询。张译引的科研成果发表在《Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal》等期刊,并主持一项省级社科基金项目。同时,她担任《Applied Research in Quality of Life》和《Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development》等SSCI期刊的审稿人。在教学方面,她曾荣获省级一流课程奖项。求学期间,曾赴美国、阿根廷、日本和印度等多国进行社工实习和交流。在实务领域,张译引在美国、中国大陆和中国香港拥有超过12年的一线社工实务与医务社工督导经验,积累了丰富的实践与研究经验,致力于推动社会工作领域的发展与创新。



《Social Research Methods》

Zhang, Y. & Hu, P. (2024). The mediating role of virtual capital in the relationship between virtual self-presentation and youth developmental outcomes in China. (Under Review, SSCI)

Zhang, Y. (2024). Parental Control, Mobile Phone Conversations, and Ego Strengths of Boarding School Students in China. (Under Review, SSCI)

Zhang, Y., & To, S. M. (2022). Perceived Mutual Parent–Child Trust, Mobile Phone Conversations, and Development Outcomes of Boarding School Students in China. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-13.

“The Integration of Art Therapy and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) for Treating Depression Among Children and Adolescents”, Invited conference paper published in the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development; 2016-06-30.  

论残疾人就业保障制度的完善”, 读者报, CN51-0045; 2011-11-21.

“试论大学生实习期间合法权利的保护“, 法律与经济, ISSN1005-0183; 2012-01.
