The Fifth International Summer School on China Studies CALL FOR APPLICANTS Background Beginning in 2010, the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Center for Modern China Studies of Nanjing University have successfully organized four International Summer Schools on China Studies (2010-2014), co-hosted by prestigious institutions worldwide, including the China Studies Centre of the University of Sydney, the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the National Institute of Chinese Studies of the University of Leeds, the Worldwide Universities Network and the Department of History of Nanjing University. Between 2010 and 2014, the summer school has attracted over 120 doctoral and postgraduate students from various prestigious universities, such as Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Princeton University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, University of Leeds, The University of Sydney, Leiden University, Nagoya University, Seoul National University, Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Fudan University and National Taiwan University. Based on the success of previous Summer Schools, the Center for Modern China Studies of Nanjing University, the China Studies Centre of the University of Sydney, and the Department of History of Nanjing University have agreed to sponsor the Fifth (2014) International Summer School on China Studies. Aims To spotlight the international implications of Chinese experiences against the background of globalization; To provide worldwide young scholars who engage in China studies with an opportunity to understand China; To share academic wisdom with outstanding researchers and to be enlightened by criticisms from the younger generation; To initiate worldwide communication and cooperation among institutes for China Studies; To advance international studies of China and to promote their intellectual accumulation. Features Interaction among professors, government officials and students to build a platform for communication, analysis and understanding of Chinese society; Integration of indigenous perspectives and international horizons, which will be characterized by opinions about Chinese issues from both Chinese and international scholars; Pluralism in class composition, which will be reflected by students’ national, ethnic, regional and gender varieties, leading to effective communications between different cultures; Classroom activities complemented by field research, which will facilitate theoretical understandings as well as empirical appreciations of both urban and rural China. Sponsors China Studies Center, The University of Sydney Center for Modern China Studies, Nanjing University Department of History, Nanjing University Theme of the Year The summer school will choose different themes for different years, according to the evolution of Chinese society and the development in China studies. Based on the chosen themes, five to eight professors from both China and other countries will be appointed for lectures. Meanwhile, fieldworks will be organized based on the themes. For the previous four summer schools, the themes include: “International Implications of Chinese Experiences” (2010), “Rural China: Problems and Developments” (2010), “Changing Urbanity in China” (2010), “Social Stratification and Citizenship: Mobility, Migration, and the Modern Middle Class” (2011), “Social Sciences Approaches to Chinese Everyday Life since 1978: Family, Education, Religion and Consumption” (2012), and “Non-Government Organization, Market and State” (2013). Professors who taught at these Summer Schools were the most prestigious scholars among their fields. They included Edward Friedman (Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Thomas P. Bernstein (Department of Political Science, Columbia University, USA), Dorothy J. Solinger (Political Science, School of Social Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA), Mark Selden (Senior Research Associate in the East Asia Program, Cornell University, USA),Martin Whyte (Department of Sociology, Harvard University,USA), Deborah Davis(Department of Sociology, Yale University,USA), Richard Madsen(Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego, USA ),Robert Weller (Department of Anthropology, Boston University, USA), David Goodman(China Studies Center,Department of Government and International Relations , The University of Sydney, AU), Bettina Gransow (The Institute of Chinese Studies, School of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, DE), Peilin Li (Vice director, Chinese Academy of Social Science, CN), Chunling Li (Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, CN), Zhenglai Deng (the late former director, Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences, CN), Liping Sun (Department of Sociology, Tsinghua University, CN), Ming Wang (Director of NGO Research Center, the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, CN), Lulu Li (Department of Sociology, Renmin University of China, CN), Yi Zhou (Department of Sociology, Fudan University, CN) and Mingxiu Jiang (Public Administration Department, Taiwan National Chengchi University, CN), etc. Theme of 2014 Summer School: Gender and Women in China’s Transitional Society We invited prestigious professors in gender/women study field both at home and abroad. Their lecture topics will cover sociology, anthropology, economics, political science, literature and other fields. Following professors will give lectures in 2014 Summer School: Lisa Rofel (Anthropology Department, University of California, USA), Tani E. Barlow (History Department, Rice University, USA), Tamara Jacka (Department of Political & Social Change, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific), Neil J. Diamant (East Asian Study Department, Dickinson College, USA), Xiaoyuan Dong (Economic Development, The University of Winnipeg, CA), Pun Ngai (Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, CHN), Lingzhen Wang (Department of East Asian Studies, Brown University, USA), Chengzhou He (Chinese co-director of Hopkins-Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies; English Department, Nanjing University, CHN), Yihong Jin (Department of Sociology, Nanjing University, CHN), etc. Besides, the international symposium during the 2014 Summer School will be chaired by Prof. Wang Zheng (Department of Women's Studies, University of Michigan, USA) with the theme on “Capitalism globalization and China's feminism”. Scheduling The 2014 Summer School will span two weeks from June 23 to July 5, 2014. There will be three phases. Phase one (June 23-27 & June 29-July 1): Seven or eight theme lectures. Phase two (June 28): An international symposium on relevant themes which our summer school enrollees are encouraged to attend. Phase three (July 2 – July 5): Field visits and closing presentations of enrollees. Site of the Event The Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies Eligibility Criteria The summer school is open to young teachers, doctoral students and outstanding postgraduates engaging in China studies from all over the world. There will be 30 enrollees. The applicant should (1) either be employed by an institution of higher education studying China-relevant social sciences and humanities, with a doctorate degree, and no more than 40 years old; or be studying in an institution of higher education aiming for a Ph.D. or master degree (provided that you stand out among other master students) of China-relevant social sciences and humanities such as economics, sociology, politics, history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, communication and management and (2) have a good command of English and Chinese, be able to attend lectures and seminars given in both languages. Among the 40 students, 30 will be formally-registered and 10 will be visitors. While the former will be financed in transportation and accommodation, the latter will be responsible for their own expenses. For more details of the financial aid, please refer to “Nature of Award”. Selection Procedure 1. By April 15, 2014, the applicant should submit the completed application form via email. We also require reference letters from two professors, who are expected to email their references to by the stated date. 2. By April 22, 2014, all applications will be forwarded for academic appraisal to experts appointed by the China Studies Center, University of Sydney and the Center for Modern China Studies, Nanjing University. Admission letters will be delivered via email. The admission letter will be accompanied by information about the summer school program so that the admitted can book tickets for travel. 3. When receiving the admission letter, the applicant should reply and confirm via email in 10 days, otherwise it would be regarded as a waiver, and your seat would be given to the applicant on the waiting list. When the applicant confirms the admission letter, it would be regarded as a commitment to participate in all the activities in the Summer School and obey the management rules as well. Further Information 1、Information announcement: We will announce the information of 2014 International Summer School on China Studies through http: and Please pay attention to these two websites for the updated notice. 2. Nature of Award The summer school is financed by the above-mentioned sponsors. The award for each enrollee consists of: 1) Round trip fare (please show us your air tickets, boarding cards or train tickets on enrollment. We will reimburse your travel expenditure before the conclusion of the summer school). The amount of reimbursement is as follows: a) up to 500 US dollars for each enrollee from Europe, America and Australia; b) up to 300 US dollars for each enrollee from Asian countries and regions (including Taiwan and Hong Kong); c) up to 2,000 RMB yuan for each enrollee from Mainland China who will travel by air for a distance over 800 kilometers (one way); full reimbursement of the train ticket (economy) for each enrollee from Mainland China who will travel for no more than 800 kilometers. 2) Accommodations: June 22-July 5, 2014 in the Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies (twin room of the students’ dormitory); 3) Expenses of field visits, transportation; 4) Printed materials for the summer school and the symposium. We are sorry to inform those who have been sponsored for any of the previous four summer schools, that due to our limited funding, you will not be financed for a second time. Nevertheless, you are welcome to apply to come as a visitor. 2. Time of Enrollment June 22, 2014 (until 12:00 pm). 3. Place of Enrollment The Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies at West Beijing Road, Nanjing, China 4. Contact Details Email: Tel. 86-25-89680953 (after the opening of the Spring Semester on Feb. 17); Fax: 86-25-89680950 第五届 中国研究国际暑期班 招募通知 基本背景 2010-2014年暑假,必威·BETWAY暨当代中国研究中心,先后联合悉尼大学中国研究中心、哈佛燕京学社、利兹大学全英中国学研究中心、世界大学联盟和必威betway平台历史学系,成功举办了四届中国研究国际暑期班,来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、普林斯顿大学、牛津大学、剑桥大学、利兹大学、悉尼大学、莱顿大学、名古屋大学、首尔大学、北京大学、清华大学、必威betway平台、复旦大学、台湾大学等数十所中外院校的120多位博士和硕士研究生参加了暑期班。 在连续四年成功举办中国研究国际暑期班的基础上,必威betway平台当代中国研究中心与悉尼大学中国研究中心、必威betway平台历史学系商定,将于2014年,继续举办第五届中国研究国际暑期班。 举办宗旨 在全球化的背景下,关注中国经验的世界意义; 为全球从事中国研究的青年学者提供了解中国的机会和便利; 分享中国研究领域优秀学者的智慧,听取年轻一代的批评; 建立全球范围内的中国研究机构的交流与合作; 推动全球中国研究的发展,增进中国研究领域的知识精进。 研讨特色 互动式教学,通过教授、政府官员和学生间的教学互动,为分析与了解中国社会提供交流之平台; 本土视角与世界眼光,邀请中国与非中国学者就中国问题发表不同学术见解,提供比较与参考的机会; 在国家、民族、地区和性别等诸多方面,坚持学生来源的多元性,倡导不同文化间的交流与分享; 在提高课堂教学和研讨水准的同时,组织田野考察和城乡观摩,为中外学生从理论和实践两方面了解中国社会提供便利。 主办单位 悉尼大学中国研究中心 必威betway平台当代中国研究中心 必威betway平台历史学系 年度主题 根据中国社会的发展与变迁,以及中国研究领域的进展情况,暑期班每年会选择不同的研讨主题,并根据研讨主题聘请5-8位中外教授发表主题讲演,同时组织学员参观考察。在已经成功举办的暑期班中,2010年的主题是“中国经验的世界意义”、“中国乡村:问题与发展”和“变化中的中国的城市性”;2011年的主题是“中国社会阶层的变动:城市移民与中产阶级的成长”;2012年的主题是“改革开放以来中国人的日常生活:从社会科学的角度审视当代中国的家庭、教育体制、宗教信仰和消费文化”;2013年的主题是“非政府组织、市场和国家”。 往届暑期班邀请的主讲人,均为海内外中国研究领域成果卓著、享有盛誉的知名学者,例如:美国威斯康星大学政治学系教授弗里德曼(Edward Friedman)、美国哥伦比亚大学政治学系教授白思鼎(Thomas P. Bernstein)、美国加州大学尔湾分校政治学系教授苏黛瑞(Dorothy J. Solinger)、美国康奈尔大学高级研究员塞尔登(Mark Selden)、美国哈佛大学社会学系教授怀默霆(Martin Whyte)、美国耶鲁大学社会学系教授戴慧思(Deborah Davis)、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校社会学系教授赵文词(Richard Madsen)、美国波士顿大学人类学系教授魏博文(Robert Weller)、悉尼大学中国研究中心学术主任古德曼(David Goodman)、德国柏林自由大学东亚研究所教授柯兰君(Bettina Gransow)、中国社会科学院副院长李培林、中国社科院社会所研究员李春玲、复旦大学人文社会科学高等研究院院长邓正来、清华大学社会学系教授孙立平、清华大学非政府组织研究所所长王名、中国人民大学社会学系教授李路路、复旦大学社会学系教授周怡、台湾政治大学公共行政学系教授江明修等。 2014年暑期班主题:中国社会变迁中的性别与妇女 本届暑期班邀请了在中国性别/妇女研究领域成果卓著、有影响力的海内海家家学者共同授课。研究涵盖社会学、人类学、经济学、政治学、文学等领域,体现性别/妇女研究综合、跨学科特点,为大家带来国际和本土的视角和研究经验。担任本届暑期班的教授主要有:美国加州大学人类学系教授罗丽莎(Lisa Rofel),美国莱斯大学历史系教授白露(Tani E. Barlow),澳大利亚国立大学亚太问题研究生院政治与社会变迁系教授杰华(Tamara Jacka),美国迪金森学院东亚系教授戴蒙德(Neil J. Diamant),加拿大温尼伯大学经济系教授董晓媛,香港理工大学应用科学系教授潘毅(Pun Ngai),美国布朗大学东亚系教授王玲珍,必威betway平台-霍普金斯大学中美文化中心中方主任、必威betway平台英语系教授何成洲,必威·BETWAY教授金一虹。此外,暑期班圆桌会议将由美国密西根大学妇女学系王政教授主持,主题是:资本主义全球化与中国女权主义。 日程安排 2014年中国研究暑期班为期两周,具体时间为2014年6月23日-2014年7月5日,其中: 第一部分 将安排7-8场主题讲演 (6月23日-27日,6月29日-7月1日) 第二部分 将举行一场相关的小型国际学术研讨会 (6月28日) 第三部分 将组织学员参观考察,并由学员作汇报讲演和学术总结 (7月2日-5日) 地点安排 必威betway平台-霍普金斯大学“中美文化研究中心” 学员来源 中国研究暑期班,将邀请全球范围内以中国为研究对象的社会与人文科学各领域的青年教师、博士研究生或优秀硕士研究生40人。申请人应具备如下条件: (1)在世界各国大学或研究机构教授与中国相关的社会科学与人文科学课程、年龄不超过40岁、拥有博士学位的教师;或在世界各国大学或研究机构攻读与中国相关的社会科学与人文科学学位的博士研究生及特别优秀的硕士研究生,学科领域包括经济学、社会学、政治学、历史学、法学、人类学、心理学、传播学和管理学等; (2)精通英文和中文,能够参加以中英文方式进行的授课、培训和参访。本届暑期班将录取40名学员,其中30人为正式学员,10人为旁听学员。正式学员将获得交通、住宿等方面的学习资助,旁听生所有费用自理。有关资助的具体情况请见后面“费用资助”部分。 入选程序与要求 1、2014年4月15日前,申请人通过电子邮件递交申请表,2名教授推荐信需请推荐教授在申请日期截止之前自行发至; 2、2014年4月22日前,悉尼大学中国研究中心与必威betway平台当代中国研究中心将对申请人进行遴选,并通过电子邮件发出录取通知。录取时将告知暑期班具体教学与考察日程,请被录取者自行购买机票或车船票。 3、申请人收到录取通知后,应于10天内通过邮件回复确认,否则当作自动放弃,将由候补学员填补空缺。学员一经确认接收录取通知,视作承诺全程参与暑期班各项活动,并遵守暑期班管理制度。 相关事宜 1、暑期班信息发布: 我们将在必威·BETWAY网站(http:)和中国研究中心网站(同时发布有关2014年暑期班的相关信息,请予关注。 2、费用资助: 本暑期班经费由相关主办单位共同筹措,将向正式入选者提供: (1)往返旅费补助(请学员在报到时提交飞机票、登机牌或者火车票,主办方在暑期班结束前支付旅费补助)。补助标准如下: a.欧洲、美洲、澳州学员每人500美元; b.亚洲学员(包括中国台湾和香港、澳门地区)每人不超过300美元; c.中国大陆学员超过800公里旅程,补贴不超过2000元人民币的飞机票补助,低于800公里报销火车普通客票。 (2)2014年6月23日-2014年7月5日,必威betway平台-霍普金斯大学中美文化研究中心学生宿舍(两人标准间); (3)包括交通工具在内的参观考察费用; (4)暑期班及研讨会的相关资料。 注:因为经费有限,曾经获得资助参加过前四届暑期班的学员将不能再次获得资助,但可以申请旁听学员资格。 3、报到时间: 2014年6月22日全天(24:00前) 4、报到地点: 中国江苏省南京市北京西路 必威betway平台-霍普金斯大学“中美文化研究中心” 5、联系方式: 电子邮件 电话:86-25-89680954 传真:86-25-89680950