2023 Sooner, Later, or Never: Changing Fertility Intentions Due to COVID-19 in China. Population Studies: A Journal of Demography, 77(1), 123-140. (SSCI)
2023 Local, Trans-Local, and Fellow Townspeople Ties: Differential Effects of Social Relations on Physical Health among China’s Rural-to-Urban Migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(1), 272-293. (SSCI)
2023 Housing Characteristics and Health in Urban China: A Comparative Study of Rural Migrants and Urban Locals. Population, Space and Place, 29(1), e2600. (SSCI)
2021 Childhood adversity and the propensity for entrepreneurship: A quasi-experimental study of the Great Chinese Famine. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(1), 106063. (SSCI, FT-50, Author names appear in alphabetical order. Equal authorship).
2021 Social factors and worry associated with COVID-19: Evidence from a large survey in China. Social Science & Medicine, 277, 113934. (SSCI)
2021 Comparison of second-child fertility intentions between local and migrant women in urban China: A Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(11), 2417-2438. (SSCI)
2020 Fertility intentions of having a second child among the floating population in China: Effects of socioeconomic factors and home ownership. Population, Space and Place, 26(2), e2289. (SSCI)
2023 “技术-关系-健康”视角下的互联网使用与青年世代健康.中国青年研究, (11), 55-66. (CSSCI;人大复印报刊资料《青少年导刊》2024年第5期全文转载)
2023 流动时代的中国:族际通婚与健康结果. 人口学刊, 45(3), 29-48. (CSSCI; 《中国社会科学文摘》2023年第11期全文转载)
2022 流动时代的健康中国:社会经济地位、健康素养与健康结果. 人口学刊, 44(2), 1-18. (CSSCI; 《中国社会科学文摘》2022年第10期全文转载;《社会科学文摘》2022年第5期全文转载;《新华文摘•网络版》2022年第20期全文转载;《中国人口报》2000字观点摘编)