Global migration and China:Current transitions and future challenges(全球流动和中国:当下的变迁和未来的挑战)
Global migration and China:Current transitions and future challenges(全球流动和中国:当下的变迁和未来的挑战)
Aeneas Zi Wang(王梓),德国-新加坡华裔社会学家。现为必威·BETWAY副教授,博士生导师,江苏特聘教授。曾在日本早稻田大学,加拿大麦吉尔大学,法国巴黎政治学院,和德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学就读,并分别获得学士,硕士,和哲学博士最高荣誉学位。目前兼任英国牛津大学出版社旗下国际移民与人口流动领域SSCI权威期刊 Migration Studies副主编,法国巴黎政治学院社会学系特许教授资格研究员。主要研究与招生领域为中国和海外的国际移民与人口流动,跨区域国别比较社会和跨文化研究,使用质性分析和混合研究方法。其研究成果发表于 International Migration Review, International Migration和Migration Studies等SSCI期刊,并在国际人文社科出版社Routledge 和De Gruyter 发表专著与合著。2018至2023年分别获得并主持欧盟居里夫人人才基金项目和德国科研基金会项目。2022年获得德国学者组织第6届德语学界青年领袖奖。2024年入选江苏省特聘教授人才计划(海外引进)。
Global migration and China:Current transitions and future challenges(全球流动和中国:当下的变迁和未来的挑战)
Wang (2022) The Role of Language in the Wellbeing of Migrants: East Asian Communities in Germany, London; New York: Routledge.
Wang(2020). The Discursive Construction of Hierarchy in Japanese Society: An Ethnographic Study of Secondary School Clubs, Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter.合著
Wang;Muranaka; Coulmas (eds.) (2024) Immigration and quality of life in ageing societies: How attractive for migrants are Japan and Germany? London; New York: Routledge. 身份:第一主编
Wang and Coulmas (2021) Language and Communication of Asian Diaspora Communities in Europe, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication Special Issue 31(2). 身份:第一主编
Wang et al (2023) The social inclusion of migrants between policy and practice: Lessons from Uruguay, International Migration Review 58(2): 898-908. 身份:第一作者,通讯作者
Wang and Turrisi (2023) Between transnational engagements and local integration of Chinese communities in Italy: An analysis of the role of migrant organisations, International Migration61(6): 279-294. 身份:第一作者,通讯作者
Wang(2021) Addressing Migrants’ Wellbeing During Covid-19: An Analysis of Chinese Communities’ Heritage Language Schools in Germany, Migration Studies 9(3): 1144-1165.
Coulmas and Wang (2021). East Asian Migrants in Western Europe, in Wang, Zi and Coulmas, Florian (eds) Language and Communication of Asian Diaspora Communities in Europe 31(2), p. 123-136. 身份:第二作者,通讯作者
Wang(2021) Mind the gap: Examining migrant-native disparities in reading performance and subjective wellbeing among 15-year-old students in different education systems, International Journal of Educational Research Open,Volume 2.