


李文岐,必威·BETWAY心理学系助理教授,副系主任。中国社会心理学会青年工作委员会委员,江苏省心理学会教学工作委员会委员。入选必威betway平台毓秀青年学者、江苏省卓越博士后等计划。主要从事人格与社会心理学方向的研究,尤其关注社会分层与社会公正、文化与政治心理等问题。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目等课题,研究成果发表于Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Political Psychology, European Journal of Personality等人格与社会心理学领域的旗舰刊物。目前担任Journal of Social and Political Psychology副主编,以及多个国内外知名学术期刊的审稿人。欢迎有志于从事社会心理学研究的同学邮件咨询。





Li, W., & Tian, Y. (2024). Culture, self, and politics: The effect of interdependent self‐construal on system justification. Political Psychology. Advance online publication.

Li, W., Wu, J., Guo, Z., & Kou, Y. (2023). Development of HEXACO personality traits and their relations with socioeconomic factors among Chinese adolescents: A three-wave longitudinal study. European Journal of Personality, 37(6), 798–813.

Li, W., Wu, J., Yang, Y., Yuan, M., Lin, J., & Kou, Y. (2023). Longitudinal relations between perceived economic inequality and prosocial behavior among Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of system justification. Children and Youth Services Review, 155, 107316.

Li, W., Yang, Y., Wu, J., & Kou, Y. (2020). Testing the status-legitimacy hypothesis in China: Objective and subjective socioeconomic status divergently predict system justification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(7), 1044–1058.

Li, W., Wu, J., & Kou, Y. (2020). System justification enhances life satisfaction of high- and low-status people in China. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(5), 588–596.

Yang, Y., Li, W., Sheldon, K. M., & Kou, Y. (2024). Perception of helper's autonomous motivation increases recipient's prosocial behaviour intentions via feelings of gratitude. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(2), 465–477.

Lin, J., Li, W., Guo, Z., & Kou, Y. (2023). When and why does economic inequality predict prosocial behaviour? Examining the role of interpersonal trust among different targets. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(1), 136–153.

Guo, Z., Yang, Y., Li, W., Yao, X., & Kou, Y. (2023). Longitudinal relations among Honesty-Humility, moral disengagement, and unethical behavior in adolescents: A between- and within-person analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 106, 104401.

Li, Y., Luan, S., Li, Y., Wu, J., Li, W., & Hertwig, R. (2022). Does risk perception motivate preventive behavior during a pandemic? A longitudinal study in the United States and China. American Psychologist, 77(1), 111–123.

李文岐, 张梦圆, 寇彧. (2018). 个体的政治倾向及其变化机制. 心理科学进展. 26(3), 549–559.
